On my way to find a cure for cancer – how to prepare paracetamol

[For this essay, we had to pick a drug and describe its production process. I think I didn’t really want to do it, hence the funny title (which i censored because it was inappropriate)]

I’ve chosen to describe the production process of paracetamol, a drug commonly used to treat pain symptoms like teeth or headaches as well as period cramps for instance.

The main chemical reaction happening during the process is the acetylation of a chemical compound called the 4-aminophenol in an aqueous medium. The preparation can be divided in four steps : reaction, separation, purification and control.

The first step is, without going into too many details, to make the 4-aminophenol react with ethanoic anhydride for about twenty minutes.

Then for the separation, you want to filter the obtain mixture with a Büchner funnel, dry the product entirely and weight it while it’s not yet purified.

At this point, you want to recrystallize the product in water, dry it and then weight it.

Finally and before being used, the medicine has to go through a quality control: we have to determine its melting point in order to compare it with theoretical values. This will allow us to say if the product is pure, or if there’s still some reagent mixed.

Getting (un)intentionally scared

Think of a time when you intentionally got scared and a time when you unintentionally got scared. Describe the context, your physical and emotional reaction and how you felt afterwards. Write a minimum of 200 words.

As Halloween is around the corner, it is time to get spooky ! Finding a time where I intentionally got scared wasn’t easy because I am not that much of a daring person when it comes to getting scared. The only moment I could find where I decided, on my own, to frighten myself, was when I went to Disneyland Paris’s Haunted House with my family. I vividly remember regretting my decision as soon as I had entered the queue, knowing that I would hate the ride (I was quite young at the time). We hopped in the train and the ride started. I’ve never been the « loud-screamer », so I only remember pressing my palms against my eyes as hard as I could and waiting for the train to arrive at destination. In conclusion, not a fan of haunted houses.

Funnily enough, a time when I unintentionally got scared was also at Disneyland. My family wanted to go to this new attraction. Its theme revolving around Finding Nemo, we thought it was  fit for children. Oh boy were they wrong. We discovered after an hour of waiting in the queue that it was a proper roller coaster. And if you know me, you’ll know that I hate (and the word is weak) roller coasters.  I just don’t see the point, and they make me sick. Needless to say that at this point, I was full on panic mode. I ended up going on the ride, which was indoors and in pitch black, so I couldn’t see in which direction we were going, and that might have been scarier than the idea of the roller coaster in itself.

I guess that what I can take from this is: never trust Disneyland. Ever.

Musicians and the Internet

Do you think that the internet has helped musicians or made their life more difficult ?

For the past ten years, musicians have used various platforms on the internet to develop their art. Has it been a success or did it only make it harder to work ? I believe that it is all about balance.

Above all, I think that the main advantage for musicians to use the internet is to grow an audience and promote their music to a new public. For example, dodie is a singer/songwriter who started making music on Youtube and developed a strong fan base there.

The Internet is also extremely useful to promote tours, concerts and new albums. Because it is a worldwide network, artists can now reach people from all over the world with a simple tweet or picture. It allows to maintain a connection with their fans even when they are not touring, and thus keep the audience entertained and loyal.

Lastly, the internet enables musicians to sell their work throughout the world, without having them to worry about how many physical copies they would have to order, and which country couldn’t be able to buy them.

However, one of the major problems with the Internet is copyrights. Online, everyone can possibly steal a musician’s work, and because the web is such a large network, it can be hard to keep track of who uses your music illegally.

Finally, there are misconceptions in the music world about artists building their audience on the internet. They can be perceived as “fake musicians” with less merit compared to those who had to work without the web, and it can be hard to part with the reputation of, for instance, being a “Youtuber” and not a “musician” (which I find quite stupid but anyway).

In conclusion, I believe that using the internet has made the musician’s work easier by allowing them to spread their work further and faster, but it also introduced new issues such as art theft.

Exposition Photo : 5e Biennale de l’Atelier photo du SMJ

Arts en Scènes, c’est le projet incroyable auquel j’ai eu la chance de participer cette année grâce à mon conservatoire municipal. Arts en Scènes, c’est un projet du collectif Tryëma 2, une bande de 10 jeunes artistes partis à l’autre bout du monde pour présenter leurs propres projets artistiques et soutenir une association caritative.

Les 10 danseurs de TryËma 2 au studio de danse après une répétition
La bande de TryËma 2 au complet !

Arts en Scènes, c’est 13 jours au Vietnam pour le Krossing Over Arts Festival à Hô Chi Minh Ville, à découvrir une culture étrangère et des artistes du monde entier.

Photo de groupe de l'équipe devant le car avant de partir à l'aéroport

Mais Arts en Scènes, ce n’est pas que cette semaine au Vietnam, mais tout un processus créatif, des premiers jours jusqu’à la dernière performance.

C’est tout un travail de recherche et de construction, à la fois de soi-même et aussi en tant que groupe. C’est apprendre à se connaître et à se découvrir, à parfois même cohabiter, mais à s’amuser et grandir ensemble.

MindMap à partir du mot "capture"
La création d’un projet artistique, c’est tout un processus !

Cette aventure, loin de me laisser inchangée, m’a donné envie d’en voir plus, d’en faire plus.

J’ai donc déposé ma candidature et ai eu la chance d’être sélectionnée pour participer à la 5e Biennale de l’Atelier Photo du Service de la Jeunesse de Vitry-sur-Seine.

Affiche pour la promotion de la 5e biennale de l'atelier photo du SMJ de Vitry-sur-Seine

Le vernissage de l’exposition a eu lieu le samedi 29 septembre à 18h. Ce soir là, j’ai eu le plaisir de revoir mes amis danseurs pour la première fois depuis juin dernier, et leur enthousiasme m’a réchauffé le cœur. Une des photographes, Corinne de Rinnez, avait organisé un défilé de mode avec ses propres créations, et a mis le feu à la soirée.

Photo du coin de la galerie où ont été exposée mes photos
Mes photos !

Hier, j’ai emmené deux de mes nouveaux amis de l’école voir la galerie. Ils sont venus de Paris en transports, pour seulement une demi-heure de visite, et cela parce que je leur avait proposé de venir. Je ne peux pas décrire à quel point j’ai trouvé cela adorable de leur part.

Ce soir, j’ai fait une pause dans mes révisions pour participer au décrochage des photos. Voir la galerie vide m’a fait un drôle d’effet, et c’est avec émotions que nous avons éteint les lumières une par une, et refermé la grille extérieure avant de partir.

Photo de l'enseigne rouge néon de la galerie municipale de Viry-sur-Seine, dans la nuit.

Cette exposition m’a fait prendre conscience d’à quel point j’aime partager mes photos et ce que je fait, et je ne compte pas m’arrêter là.

Le site de la galerie Jean Collet : http://galerie.vitry94.fr/expositions/en-association/

Les photos de notre performance à la galerie, en juin dernier : https://bit.ly/2phufFV